How Procrastination Might Be Making You Better


The action of delaying or postponing something.

It's something we all do...or are doing?

As I write this post, I have other things calling me on my desk; my exam application, a new drawing, business get the jist.

This is not a bad thing.

This can be a good thing.


Because it's ACTIVE procrastination. I'm not lazing around like a couch potato watching the day go by. I've got things on my to do list, and I'm delaying or moving things arounds depending on my mood, my time and I'm getting them all done albeit a little differently.

At the end of the day, I'll still have my list checked off.

You might be wondering why I'm procrastinating on the other things.

The answer: procrastination makes us creative!

Don't believe me?

Have you ever sat down to do study for an exam and found yourself doodling. This is your brain trying to collect ideas to help you out, because more often than not you might end up drawing a diagram to help you remember what you're studying.

Our brains are amazing and unconsciously help us in ways we can't begin to understand, but our brains also love instant gratification...

Sitting down to write help you study for an exam...that if you pass...can lift your GPA/get you into a good program...that is way too many tasks for something that seems futuristic! 

Our brains want an achievement NOW.

That's why we distract ourselves with easier, more achievable tasks before getting to what we're procrastinating on.

I remember learning how to hand letter while studying for my final exams and I definately don't regret that. Because that's when I really started to make an effort with my notes and I began trying different note taking methods until I found what works for me.

So procrastination can help you and when you get back to the task at hand, you'll feel energised, refreshed and ready to complete it (in a better way)!

And sometimes, you might not get back to the task. That's okay too.

Our brain might be trying to tell us something, procrastination might help you re-evaluate its' importance and make better decisions. Our lives are dynamic, and so our lifestyle and routine needs to be the same.

I just want to say that if you're an active procrastinator, keep going! You're probably going to get so many things done and learn a lot on the way too!

If you're a passive procrastinator, this could be a sign. You might need to re-evaluate the tasks/goals you've set yourself to understand if they're right for you? Or maybe you need to figure out how to make things work for your life and your time...

- Zahra


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